Getting mosaic address restrictions attached to an account

Get the list of mosaic address restrictions.


Method #01: Using the SDK

// replace with address
const rawAddress = 'TCHBDE-NCLKEB-ILBPWP-3JPB2X-NY64OE-7PYHHE-32I';
const address = Address.createFromRawAddress(rawAddress);
// replace with mosaic id
const mosaicIdHex = '634a8ac3fc2b65b3';
const mosaicId = new MosaicId(mosaicIdHex);
// replace with node endpoint
const nodeUrl = '';
const repositoryFactory = new RepositoryFactoryHttp(nodeUrl);
const restrictionHttp = repositoryFactory.createRestrictionMosaicRepository();

restrictionHttp.getMosaicAddressRestriction(mosaicId, address)
    .subscribe((mosaicAddressRestrictions) => {
        if (mosaicAddressRestrictions.restrictions.size > 0) {
            mosaicAddressRestrictions.restrictions.forEach((value: string, key: string) => {
                console.log('\n', key, value);
        } else {
            console.log('\n The address does not have mosaic address restrictions assigned.');
    }, (err) => console.log(err));
// replace with address
const rawAddress = 'TCHBDE-NCLKEB-ILBPWP-3JPB2X-NY64OE-7PYHHE-32I';
const address = symbol_sdk_1.Address.createFromRawAddress(rawAddress);
// replace with mosaic id
const mosaicIdHex = '634a8ac3fc2b65b3';
const mosaicId = new symbol_sdk_1.MosaicId(mosaicIdHex);
// replace with node endpoint
const nodeUrl = '';
const repositoryFactory = new symbol_sdk_1.RepositoryFactoryHttp(nodeUrl);
const restrictionHttp = repositoryFactory.createRestrictionMosaicRepository();
restrictionHttp.getMosaicAddressRestriction(mosaicId, address)
    .subscribe((mosaicAddressRestrictions) => {
    if (mosaicAddressRestrictions.restrictions.size > 0) {
        mosaicAddressRestrictions.restrictions.forEach((value, key) => {
            console.log('\n', key, value);
    else {
        console.log('\n The address does not have mosaic address restrictions assigned.');
}, (err) => console.log(err));
        // replace with node endpoint
        try (final RepositoryFactory repositoryFactory = new RepositoryFactoryVertxImpl(
                "")) {
            final RestrictionMosaicRepository restrictionRepository = repositoryFactory

            // replace with mosaicId
            final String mosaicIdHex = "634a8ac3fc2b65b3";
            final MosaicId mosaicId = new MosaicId(mosaicIdHex);

            // replace with address
            final String rawAddress = "TCHBDE-NCLKEB-ILBPWP-3JPB2X-NY64OE-7PYHHE-32I";
            final Address address = Address.createFromRawAddress(rawAddress);

            final List<MosaicAddressRestriction> restrictions;
            restrictions = restrictionRepository
                    .getMosaicAddressRestrictions(mosaicId, Collections.singletonList(address))
            final JsonHelper helper = new JsonHelperJackson2();

Method #02: Using the CLI

symbol-cli restriction mosaicaddress --mosaic-id 634a8ac3fc2b65b3 --address TCHBDE-NCLKEB-ILBPWP-3JPB2X-NY64OE-7PYHHE-32I