Cross-platform client for Symbol to manage accounts, mosaics, namespaces, and issue transactions. Symbol Desktop Wallet is available for Mac, Windows, and as a web application.
The desktop wallet is only available for the public test network.
1. Download the Symbol Desktop Wallet from the releases section. The executable file for your operative system is under the “Assets” tab.
Create a new Symbol account to start sending and receiving transactions.
Sending mosaics and messages between two accounts
Define, sign, and announce a transfer transaction.
Tokenize an asset using mosaics.
Create a unique name to identify your assets.
Once you have a registered root namespace, you can create up to 3
levels of subnamespaces to organize your assets.
If a mosaic was created with the “Supply Mutable” property, you can make more tokens or reduce the total supply.
Linking a namespace to a mosaic
Alias an mosaic with a namespace so that others can reference it in a more friendly way when issuing transactions.
Linking a namespace to an address
Alias an address with a namespace so that others can reference the account in a more friendly way when issuing transactions.
Extending a namespace registration period
This guide shows you how to extend the rental period of a namespace.
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