Configuring network properties

Customize the network configurable parameters.

The directory ruby/catapult-templates/peer_node/resources of the Catapult Service Bootstrap repository comes with a set of files to configure the network.

The .properties files provided can be edited with any text editor before launching a network for the first time.


Find below the list of configurable properties.

Property Type Description Default MIJIN_TEST Default TEST_NET
identifier NetworkIdentifier Network identifier. mijin-test public-test
nodeEqualityStrategy NodeIdentityEqualityStrategy Node equality strategy. host host
nemesisSignerPublicKey Key Nemesis public key. B4F12E7C9F6946091E2CB8B6D3A12B50D17CCBBF646386EA27CE2946A7423DCF  
generationHash catapult::GenerationHash Nemesis generation hash. 57F7DA205008026C776CB6AED843393F04CD458E0AA2D9F1D5F31A402072B2D6  
epochAdjustment utils::TimeSpan Nemesis epoch time adjustment. 1573430400s 1573430400s
enableVerifiableState bool Set to true if block chain should calculate state hashes so that state is fully verifiable at each block. true true
enableVerifiableReceipts bool Set to true if block chain should calculate receipts so that state changes are fully verifiable at each block. true true
currencyMosaicId MosaicId Mosaic id used as primary chain currency. 0x24F4‘26B8’D549‘3D4B  
harvestingMosaicId MosaicId Mosaic id used to provide harvesting ability. 0x1D9C’DC7E‘218C’A88D  
blockGenerationTargetTime utils::TimeSpan Targeted time between blocks. 30s 15s
blockTimeSmoothingFactor uint32_t Note: A higher value makes the network more biased. Note: This can lower security because it will increase the influence of time relative to importance. 3000 3000
blockFinalizationInterval uint32_t Number of blocks between successive finalization attempts. 30  
importanceGrouping uint64_t Number of blocks that should be treated as a group for importance purposes. Note: Importances will only be calculated at blocks that are multiples of this grouping number. 39 1433
importanceActivityPercentage uint8_t Percentage of importance resulting from fee generation and beneficiary usage. 5 5
maxRollbackBlocks uint32_t Maximum number of blocks that can be rolled back. 40 398
maxDifficultyBlocks uint32_t Maximum number of blocks to use in a difficulty calculation. 60 60
defaultDynamicFeeMultiplier BlockFeeMultiplier Default multiplier to use for dynamic fees. 10‘000 1‘000
maxTransactionLifetime utils::TimeSpan Maximum lifetime a transaction can have before it expires. 24h 24h
maxBlockFutureTime utils::TimeSpan Maximum future time of a block that can be accepted. 500ms 500ms
initialCurrencyAtomicUnits Amount Initial currency atomic units available in the network. 8‘998‘999‘998‘000‘000 7‘831‘975‘436‘000‘000
maxMosaicAtomicUnits Amount Maximum atomic units (total-supply * 10 ^ divisibility) of a mosaic allowed in the network. 9‘000‘000‘000‘000‘000 9‘000‘000‘000‘000‘000
totalChainImportance Importance Total whole importance units available in the network. 15‘000‘000 7‘831‘975‘436‘000‘000
minHarvesterBalance Amount Minimum number of harvesting mosaic atomic units needed for an account to be eligible for harvesting. 500 10‘000‘000‘000
maxHarvesterBalance Amount Maximum number of harvesting mosaic atomic units needed for an account to be eligible for harvesting. 4‘000‘000 50‘000‘000‘000‘000
minVoterBalance Amount Minimum number of harvesting mosaic atomic units needed for an account to be eligible for voting. 50‘000 50‘000
maxVotingKeysPerAccount uint8_t Maximum number of voting keys that can be registered at once per account. 3  
minVotingKeyLifetime uint32_t Minimum number of finalization rounds for which voting key can be registered. 72  
maxVotingKeyLifetime uint32_t Maximum number of finalization rounds for which voting key can be registered. 26280  
harvestBeneficiaryPercentage uint8_t Percentage of the harvested fee that is collected by the beneficiary account. 10 25
harvestNetworkPercentage uint8_t Percentage of the harvested fee that is collected by the network. 5 5
harvestNetworkFeeSinkAddress Address Address of the harvest network fee sink account. SBPJ3LE4SF7Y25RCEC6MA5BXBP6W2TGB2XKMIDY  
blockPruneInterval uint32_t Number of blocks between cache pruning. 360 360
maxTransactionsPerBlock uint32_t Maximum number of transactions per block. 200‘000 1‘500
dummy     to trigger plugin load  
maxTransactionsPerAggregate uint32_t Maximum number of transactions per aggregate. 1‘000 1‘000
maxCosignaturesPerAggregate uint8_t Maximum number of cosignatures per aggregate. 15 25
enableStrictCosignatureCheck bool Set to true if cosignatures must exactly match component signers. Set to false if cosignatures should be validated externally. false false
enableBondedAggregateSupport bool Set to true if bonded aggregates should be allowed. Set to false if bonded aggregates should be rejected. true true
maxBondedTransactionLifetime utils::TimeSpan Maximum lifetime a bonded transaction can have before it expires. 48h 48h
lockedFundsPerAggregate Amount Amount that has to be locked per aggregate in partial cache. 10‘000‘000 10‘000‘000
maxHashLockDuration utils::BlockSpan Maximum number of blocks for which a hash lock can exist. 2d 2d
maxSecretLockDuration utils::BlockSpan Maximum number of blocks for which a secret lock can exist. 30d 30d
minProofSize uint16_t Minimum size of a proof in bytes. 1 1
maxProofSize uint16_t Maximum size of a proof in bytes. 1000 1000
maxValueSize uint16_t Maximum metadata value size. 1024 1024
maxMosaicsPerAccount uint16_t Maximum number of mosaics that an account can own. 10‘000 1‘000
maxMosaicDuration utils::BlockSpan Maximum mosaic duration. 3650d 3650d
maxMosaicDivisibility uint8_t Maximum mosaic divisibility. 6 6
mosaicRentalFeeSinkAddress Address Address of the mosaic rental fee sink account. SDKDPA36TE53BO24FD4KA6OPGOUSEVOU3O5SIFI  
mosaicRentalFee Amount Mosaic rental fee. 500 500
maxMultisigDepth uint8_t Maximum number of multisig levels. 3 3
maxCosignatoriesPerAccount uint32_t Maximum number of cosignatories per account. 10 25
maxCosignedAccountsPerAccount uint32_t Maximum number of accounts a single account can cosign. 5 25
maxNameSize uint8_t Maximum namespace name size. 64 64
maxChildNamespaces uint16_t Maximum number of children for a root namespace. 500 256
maxNamespaceDepth uint8_t Maximum namespace depth. 3 3
minNamespaceDuration utils::BlockSpan Minimum namespace duration. 1m 30d
maxNamespaceDuration utils::BlockSpan Maximum namespace duration. 365d 365d
namespaceGracePeriodDuration utils::BlockSpan Grace period during which time only the previous owner can renew an expired namespace. 2m 30d
reservedRootNamespaceNames unordered_set<string> Reserved root namespaces that cannot be claimed. xem, nem, user, account, org, com, biz, net, edu, mil, gov, info symbol, symbl, xym, xem, nem, user, account, org, com, biz, net, edu, mil, gov, info
namespaceRentalFeeSinkAddress Address Address of the namespace rental fee sink account. SDTZ23JBJZP3GTKKM2P6FYCMXS6RQYPB6R477TQ  
rootNamespaceRentalFeePerBlock Amount Root namespace rental fee per block. 1 1
childNamespaceRentalFee Amount Child namespace rental fee. 100 100
maxAccountRestrictionValues uint16_t Maximum number of account restriction values. 512 512
maxMosaicRestrictionValues uint8_t Maximum number of mosaic restriction values. 20 20
maxMessageSize uint16_t Maximum transaction message size. 1024 1024

Property Type Description Default MIJIN_TEST
starting-at-height-1     100
starting-at-height-10000     0