Get the list of account’s restrictions.
// replace with address
const rawAddress = 'TAEG6L-KWXRA7-PSWUEE-ILQPG4-3V5CYZ-S5652T-JTUU';
const address = Address.createFromRawAddress(rawAddress);
// replace with node endpoint
const nodeUrl = '';
const repositoryFactory = new RepositoryFactoryHttp(nodeUrl);
const restrictionHttp = repositoryFactory.createRestrictionAccountRepository();
.subscribe((accountRestrictions) => {
if (accountRestrictions.length > 0) {
.filter((accountRestriction) => accountRestriction.values.length > 0)
.map((accountRestriction) => {
console.log('\n', accountRestriction.restrictionFlags, accountRestriction.values.toString());
} else {
console.log('The address does not have account restriction assigned.');
}, (err) => console.log(err));
// replace with address
const rawAddress = 'TAEG6L-KWXRA7-PSWUEE-ILQPG4-3V5CYZ-S5652T-JTUU';
const address = symbol_sdk_1.Address.createFromRawAddress(rawAddress);
// replace with node endpoint
const nodeUrl = '';
const repositoryFactory = new symbol_sdk_1.RepositoryFactoryHttp(nodeUrl);
const restrictionHttp = repositoryFactory.createRestrictionAccountRepository();
.subscribe((accountRestrictions) => {
if (accountRestrictions.length > 0) {
.filter((accountRestriction) => accountRestriction.values.length > 0)
.map((accountRestriction) => {
console.log('\n', accountRestriction.restrictionFlags, accountRestriction.values.toString());
else {
console.log('The address does not have account restriction assigned.');
}, (err) => console.log(err));
// replace with node endpoint
try (final RepositoryFactory repositoryFactory = new RepositoryFactoryVertxImpl(
"")) {
final RestrictionAccountRepository restrictionRepository = repositoryFactory
// replace with address
final String rawAddress = "TAEG6L-KWXRA7-PSWUEE-ILQPG4-3V5CYZ-S5652T-JTUU";
final Address address = Address.createFromRawAddress(rawAddress);
final AccountRestrictions restrictions = restrictionRepository
final JsonHelper helper = new JsonHelperJackson2();
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