Multisig Schemas


The catbuffer schemas repository defines how each transaction type should be serialized. In combination with the catbuffer-generators project, developers can generate builder classes for a given set of programming languages.

Multisig Account Modification


Announce a MultisigAccountModificationTransaction to:

  1. Transform an account to multisig account.
  2. Change the configurable properties of a multisig account.
  3. Add or delete cosignatories from a multisig account.

Version: 0x01

EntityType: 0x4155


Property Type Description
minRemovalDelta int8 Number of signatures needed to remove a cosignatory. If we are modifying an existing multisig account, this indicates the relative change of the minimum cosignatories.
minApprovalDelta int8 Number of signatures needed to approve a transaction. If we are modifying an existing multisig account, this indicates the relative change of the minimum cosignatories.
addressAdditionsCount uint8 Number of cosignatory address additions.
addressDeletionsCount uint8 Number of cosignatory address deletions.
multisigAccountModificationTransactionBody_Reserved1 uint32 Reserved padding to align addressAdditions on 8-byte boundary.
addressAdditions array(UnresolvedAddress, addressAdditionsCount) Cosignatory address additions.
addressDeletions array(UnresolvedAddress, addressDeletionsCount) Cosignatory address deletions.