The catbuffer schemas repository defines how each transaction type should be serialized. In combination with the catbuffer-generators project, developers can generate builder classes for a given set of programming languages.
The transaction that triggered the receipt.
Property | Type | Description |
primaryId | uint32 | Transaction index within the block. |
secondaryId | uint32 | Transaction index inside within the AggregateTransaction. If the transaction is not an inner transaction, then the secondary identifier is set to 0. |
A single resolution statement can have multiple resolution entries.
Property | Type | Description |
resolvedValue | Address or MosaicId | Resolved address or resolved mosaic identifier. |
source | ReceiptSource | Information about the transaction that triggered the receipt. |
A resolution statement keeps the relation between a namespace alias used in a transaction and the real address or mosaic id.
Property | Type | Description |
unresolved | UnresolvedAddress or UnresolvedMosaicId | Unresolved address or unresolved mosaic identifier. |
resolutionEntries | array(ResolutionEntry, size=resolvedEntriesSize) | Array of resolution entries linked to the unresolved namespace identifier. It is an array instead of a single UInt64 field since within one block the resolution might change for different sources due to alias related transactions. |
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