Restriction Mosaic Schemas


The catbuffer schemas repository defines how each transaction type should be serialized. In combination with the catbuffer-generators project, developers can generate builder classes for a given set of programming languages.

Mosaic Address Restriction


Announce a MosaicAddressRestrictionTransaction transaction to set a restriction rule to an address.

Version: 0x01

EntityType: 0x4251


Property Type Description
mosaicId UnresolvedMosaicId Identifier of the mosaic to which the restriction applies. The mosaic creator must be the signer of the transaction.
restrictionKey uint64 Restriction key.
previousRestrictionValue uint64 Previous restriction value. Set previousRestrictionValue to FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF if the target address does not have a previous restriction value for this mosaic identifier and restriction key.
newRestrictionValue uint64 New restriction value.
targetAddress UnresolvedAddress Address being restricted.

Mosaic Global Restriction


Announce a MosaicGlobalRestrictionTransaction to set a restriction rule to a mosaic.

Version: 0x01

EntityType: 0x4151


Property Type Description
mosaicId UnresolvedMosaicId Identifier of the mosaic being restricted. The mosaic creator must be the signer of the transaction.
referenceMosaicId UnresolvedMosaicId Identifier of the mosaic providing the restriction key. The mosaic global restriction for the mosaic identifier depends on global restrictions set on the reference mosaic. Set referenceMosaicId to 0000000000000000 if the mosaic giving the restriction equals the mosaic identifier.
restrictionKey uint64 Restriction key relative to the reference mosaic identifier.
previousRestrictionValue uint64 Previous restriction value.
newRestrictionValue uint64 New restriction value.
previousRestrictionType MosaicRestrictionType Previous restriction type.
newRestrictionType MosaicRestrictionType New restriction type.

Restriction Mosaic Types


Enumeration: uint8

Id Description
0 Uninitialized value indicating no restriction.
1 (EQ) Allow if equal.
2 (NE) Allow if not equal.
3 (LT) Allow if less than.
4 (LTE) Allow if less than or equal.
5 (GT) Allow if greater than.
6 (GTE) Allow if greater than or equal.