Restriction Account Schemas


The catbuffer schemas repository defines how each transaction type should be serialized. In combination with the catbuffer-generators project, developers can generate builder classes for a given set of programming languages.

Account Address Restriction


Configure restrictions to prevent receiving or sending transactions from/to undesired addresses.

Version: 0x01

EntityType: 0x4150


Property Type Description
restrictionType AccountRestrictionFlags Type of the account restriction.
restrictionAdditionsCount uint8 number of account restriction additions.
restrictionDeletionsCount uint8 Number of account restriction deletions.
accountRestrictionTransactionBody_Reserved1 uint32 Reserved padding to align restrictionAdditions on 8-byte boundary.
restrictionAdditions array(UnresolvedAddress, restrictionAdditionsCount) Account restriction additions.
restrictionDeletions array(UnresolvedAddress, restrictionDeletionsCount) Account restriction deletions.

Account Mosaic Restriction


Configure restrictions to prevent receiving transactions containing a specific mosaic.

Version: 0x01

EntityType: 0x4250


Property Type Description
restrictionType AccountRestrictionFlags Type of the account restriction.
restrictionAdditionsCount uint8 number of account restriction additions.
restrictionDeletionsCount uint8 Number of account restriction deletions.
accountRestrictionTransactionBody_Reserved1 uint32 Reserved padding to align restrictionAdditions on 8-byte boundary.
restrictionAdditions array(UnresolvedMosaicId, restrictionAdditionsCount) Account restriction additions.
restrictionDeletions array(UnresolvedMosaicId, restrictionDeletionsCount) Account restriction deletions.

Account Operation Restriction


Configure restrictions to prevent announcing transactions by type.

Version: 0x01

EntityType: 0x4350


Property Type Description
restrictionType AccountRestrictionFlags Type of the account restriction.
restrictionAdditionsCount uint8 number of account restriction additions.
restrictionDeletionsCount uint8 Number of account restriction deletions.
accountRestrictionTransactionBody_Reserved1 uint32 Reserved padding to align restrictionAdditions on 8-byte boundary.
restrictionAdditions array(EntityType, restrictionAdditionsCount) Account restriction additions.
restrictionDeletions array(EntityType, restrictionDeletionsCount) Account restriction deletions.

Restriction Account Types


Enumeration: uint16

Id Description
0x0001 Restriction type is an address.
0x0002 Restriction type is a mosaic identifier.
0x0004 Restriction type is a transaction type.
0x4000 Restriction is interpreted as outgoing.
0x8000 Restriction is interpreted as blocking operation.